Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Boda Boda!

Today started out with an adventure. I rode in to school alone on the Matatu because I had to be there earlier than everyone else and earlier than the van takes us. I ended up sitting next to one of the teachers from the school. When we reached town she was like "We are going to be late! Get on the bicycle." There are these bikes everywhere that have seats on the back and they drive people around for a very small price. I told the teacher that I didn't have any money. She said she would pay for it, so I had no choice. It was not bad. I can't believe they can carry that much weight. There is a way about the traffic here that the Kenyans understand, but I don't. I got to school so quickly. I'll be riding the Boda Boda from now on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAHA!! That's awesome!