Friday, November 9, 2007

Brief update...

Hi. I'm in town and thought I would blog a brief blog. I am going to hang out with my Kenyan friend, Gladys right now. I'm not sure what we will do.

Tomorrow Candice and I are going camping on Mount Sangalo. It should be fun. I can't wait to take pictures. I saw some from another volunteer on the farm and they were amazing. We have to buy some kind of food for the trip. Probably peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A staple for Americans in Kenya.

I teach one more day on Monday, and then there are exams the following week. I may have to monitor the exams. We'll see. I don't exactly talk to my supervising teacher. I think I get on his nerves because he can't understand me. I wish I had more time with the boys. They are getting used to me. One of my classes is hilarious and can't ask enough questions about the U.S. The other is still shy, so they haven't mastered the skill of understanding my accent. I am going to show them pictures of home when I see them again. They'll love it.

I miss everyone and everything. I'm looking forward to coming home. I'm almost at the half-way mark! Remember- hot baths for me! and watch some good movies on a really soft surface!

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